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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Apologetic Evangelism

Apologetic Evangelism 

Apologetic evangelism is a combination of evangelism and apologetics, two different ways to share the gospel:

Defends the Christian faith by providing reasons for its truth and answering objections. Apologetics can involve:

  • Logical arguments 
  • Historical debates 
  • Philosophical discussions 
  • Interpretive disputes

Shares the good news about Jesus Christ. Evangelism involves telling a specific message and sharing the gospel.

Apologetic evangelism
Presents the gospel and answers questions and challenges that arise when people hear it.

Bible Studies

Bible Studies

We are working on setting up Bible studies, which will be done through fellowship.

Sunday Bible Study

We will begin having Sunday Bible studies very soon. Stay tuned for updates and announcements.

Fellowship on Discord
The Bible

Wednesday Night Men’s Bible Study

Our Wednesday night bible studies are dedicated to men. Yes it’s exclusive to men.

Fellowship on Discord
The Bible


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God has put a calling on my life to do the lords work by making his message available worldwide. This way we can spread the gospel and help others to better understand Jesus’s teachings and grow in him.

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The Bible App

One of the easiest ways to read the Bible and grow in God is with the Bible App. I use it nearly every day.